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PARTS OF THE BODY (parts av tha bodi)



hair (jeir)                          pelo

head (jed)                        cabeza

ear (ir)                              oreja

eye (ai)                             ojo

eyebrow (aibrau)             ceja

nose (noz)                        narìz

cheek (chik)                     cachete

mouth (mauth)                boca

lips (lieps)                        labios

chin (chien)                      barba

moustache (mastash)      bigote      

beard (bird)                     pelo en la barba


tooth (tuth)                      diente            

teeth (tith)                       dientes

neck (nak)                        cuello

shoulder (shaldr)             hombro

back (bak)                        espalda

elbow (elbo)                     codo

arm (arm)                         brazo

hand (jand)                      mano

finger (fingr)                    dedo

thumb (tham)            dedo gordo

chest (chest)                    pecho

stomach (stamak)            estòmago

belly (bali)                        panza, estòmago

hip (jiep)                          cadera

waist (ueist)                     cintura

thigh (thai)                       muslo             

knee (ni)                           rodilla

foot (fut)                           pie

feet (fit)                            pies

toe (tou)                           dedo del pie

leg (leg                             pierna

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