My City
I live in a big city called Hometown, USA.
There are over 100,000 people who live in this city.
There are 25 schools, 15 churches, 2 synagogues, 1 mosque, one police station, two fire stations, a city hall, two libraries, two hospitals, one bus station, and one movie theater.
There are many businesses.
Home – hogar
Town – pueblo, villa, ciudad
City – ciudad
Street – calle
Boulevard – bulevar
Road –camino real
Drive - camino
Avenue - avenida
School – escuela
Church – iglesia
Synagogue – Sinagoga
Mosque – mezquita
Police station – estaciòn de la policià
Fire station – estaciòn de bomberos
City hall – parage donde reunen los diputados del pueblo
Library – biblioteca
Bus station – estaciòn de camiones
Hospital – hospital
Business – negocio
I used to ride the bus a lot when I was a kid.
I would take a bus to go to play on my Little League Baseball Team.
My friend, Randy, and I would take the bus to go to a movie in the next city.
I remember going on a bus with my mother to Boston.
How much is the bus fare?
How much does the bus cost?
Which bus do I take to go to Main Street?
What bus goes downtown?
Can I get a transfer?
Transfer please.
Used to – solìa
Team – equipo
Bus – camiòn
Bus station
– estaciòn de camiones
Bus stop – parada
Fare – tarifa
Senior citizens – majores ded tercera edad
– billete de transbordo
Passenger – pasajero
Schedule – horario
Bus driver – chòfer
Route – ruta
When I was small, I used to mail letters for my mother.
There was a mailbox on the corner of our street.
I remember that she would mail letters to her family in California.
It cost 3 cents to send a letter 3000 miles in
3 days.
Once when I was 16 I worked with my father delivering packages before Christmas.
My Dad bought an old van and we would go to the post office to get the boxes and then deliver them in the snow.
Post office
– oficina de correo
Mail – correo
Letter - carta
Envelope - sobre
Package - paquete
Box -caja
Stamp - estampilla
Registered mail
– correo registrado
Certified mail
– correo certificado
Express delivery
–correo expreso
– el pròximo dìa
Priority - prioritario
Fragile - debil
Letter carrier
– el cartero
Mail a letter
– enviar una carta
Address - direccìon
Zip code – codigo postal
Mailing address
– la direcciòn a
Return address - desde
I want to buy stamps.
How long will it take for delivery?
When does the mail arrive?
I had my first bank account when I was 5.
I put 5 cents in my account every week.
The clerk would stamp my bank book.
I do not remember how much I saved.
And I do not remember what I spent my money on.
Maybe candy!!
Do you have a bank account?
Now there are many different banks. They all have ATM machines.
You can travel to any country in the world and use your ATM card.
When I was in Mexico I often used the ATM at Banamex.
The instructions were bilingual. But they moved too fast on the screen.
Once an American tourist was getting her money
At the ATM machine next to me. She was very frustrated. So I helped her get her money.
She did not give me a tip. Nor did she say “Thank You.”
Cash - cambiar
Checks - cheques
Deposit - depositar
Withdraw - retirar
Check balance
– balancea de cheques
Teller - cajera
Savings account
– cuenta de ahorros
Checking account
– cuenta de cheques
Account number
– numero de cuenta
Routing number
– el numero debajo del cheque
ATM: -Automatic Teller Machine
– cajera automàtica
-insert card
– añadir, poner
- PIN (personal identification number)
- clave
- receipt – recibo
- remove your card
– retire su tarjeta
When I was a kid, the biggest holiday was, of course, Christmas.
My brother, David, woke me up every year at 4 AM.
“Paul, come on, it’s Christmas. Let’s go look at our toys.”
We went downtairs and unwrapped all our toys in 10 minutes.
Nobody else was awake.
So would eat breakfast – cereal and toast.
Then we would play!
Thanksgiving was another big holiday.
All of my father’s family would come over the house. My mother’s family lived in California.
My uncle, Warren, would crack walnuts in his hand. He was very strong.
Then we would eat!
New Year’s Eve
New Year’s Day
Valentine’s Day
Presidents’ Day
Saint Patrick’s Day
July Fourth (4th)
One day when I lived in Mexico, I bought my 4 year old son, Nico, and my 6 year old daughter, Rosa, each an ice cream.
The total was 14 pesos.
Rosa said, “Dad, if two ice creams cost 14 pesos then one ice cream costs 7 pesos.”
Very good math for a six year old child!
When I was a kid, one summer there was a hurricane.
All the electricity in my city was out.
So my friend, Randy, and I went to the store on the corner.
The owner was giving away ice creams!!
We each ate about 5 ice creams that day.
When I was about 3 years old, an ice cream truck came down our street in the summer.
It was really the ice truck because in those days we used ice instead of an electric refrigerator.
Anyway, I bought my first ice cream with a nickel that my dad gave me.
We used to shout:
I scream
You scream
We all scream
For ice cream!!!!!!!!
Bought – pasado de ‘buy’
Shout - gritar
¿Quiere un nieve?
- Would you like an ice cream?
¿Quiere paleta o cono?
- Do you want a popsicle or a cone?
Quiero un cono.
- I want an ice cream cone.
Qiero una paleta
- I want a popsicle.
¿Quiere paleta de agua o leche?
- Do you want a fruit juice or ice cream popsicle?
Quiero una paleta de agua.
-I want a fruit juice popsicle.
¿Que sanores tiene?
-What flavors do you have?
Hay platano, chocolate, etc.
-There is: banana, chocolate, etc.
¿Tiene fresa?
-Do you have strawberry?
¿Tiene rellenos?
-Do you have drumsticks?
¿Cuanto cuesta?
-How much does it cost?
Cuesta ______ o 50 centavos.
- It costs ___ pesos or fifty cents.
Queremos cinco paletas de agua.
- We want five juice popsicles.
¿Cuanto es por todo?
-How much for all of them.
Por todo es _____pesos o $1.70.
-All together it is _____ pesos or one dollar and seventy cents.
Paletero – Ice Cream Vendor
Paleta - Popsicle
Paleta de agua – Juice popsicle
Paleta de leche - Ice cream popsicle
Bolis - Juice popsicle in a bag
Nieve, helado - Ice cream
Cono - Cone
Raspado - Snow cone
Rellenos - Drumsticks
De una bola - Single scoop
De dos bolas - Double scoop
Sabores - Flavors
Fruta - Fruit
Tamarindo - Tamarind
Piña - Pineapple
Fresa - Strawberry
Guayaba - Guava
Uva - Grape
Coco - Coconut
Plàtano - Banana
Chocolate - Chocolate
Vainilla - Vanilla
Vainilla con cajeta - Vanilla with candied fruit
Kitchen - cocina
Chef/cook – cocinero/a
Waiter - mesero
Waitress - mesera
Dishwasher - lavaplatos
Cashier - cajera
Busperson – ayudante al mesero/a
Fork - tenedor
Spoon - cucharra
-table spoon - grande
-tea spoon - chica
Knife - cuchillo
-butter knife – para mantequilla
-steak knife – para bifstek
Plate - plato
-dinner plate- grande para la cena
Platter – plato muy grande
Saucer – plato chico para una taza
Cup - taza
Glass – vaso (tambien ‘vidrio’)
Napkin - servilleta
Bowl – plato para caldo o sopa o nieve
Breakfast - desayuno
Lunch- lonche
Dinner - cena
Supper – cena en la tarde, despues las 6
Special - especial
Menu – menu’
Clear the table – recoger la mesa
Set the table - poner la mesa
Seat the customer – sentar al cliente
Pour the water – hechar el agua
Take the order – tomar la orden
Order the meal – ordenar la cena
Pay Leave a tip – dejar una propina
What would you like?
May I help you?
News of Hometown USA
Good evening, ladies and gentlemen, I’m Pablo Rogers and here’s the news.
The police reported that someone stole flowers from the park last night. So if you see any suspicious people with flowers, call the Hometown Police station.
The High School Football team is having a big game today with Uptown High, so see if you can get to this big game.
Well, let’s hear from our weather person, Miss Susan Good.
Susan Good: Thanks Pablo, well we have a lot of weather today. First it rained last night, then we had fog in the morning, then the sun came out and it was real hot, and now it’s cold!
PR: Thank you, Susan. Here’s an announcement – Mrs. Smith of the Hometown Flower Society has announced that the flower show has been cancelled due to the fact that all the flowers were stolen!
Here she is, folks.
Mrs. Smith: Thank you, Pablo. Yes our show is going to be cancelled because some mean, nasty person stole all our flowers. Please return them if you are the person who stole our flowers.
PR: OK, Mrs. Smith, thank you for that report. Now ladies and gentlemen here is a report of the new English class with The reporter is Jack Jones.
JJ: Everybody can come on down to the computer lab and learn about computers and some English tonight at 6 PM.
PR: OK, Jack. Thank you very much.