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=abacá=, Manilla hemp =abajo=, below =abaratamiento=, cheapening =abarcar=, to embrace, to include =abarrotado=, glutted, cram full =abastecerse=, to supply oneself =abasto=, supply =abedul=, birch =abeto=, fir =ablandar=, to soften =abogado=, lawyer, solicitor, barrister =abogar=, to plead =abolir=, to abolish =abonar=, to speak for, to recommend, to credit =abordar=, to accost, to approach, to board =abrigar=, to shelter, to cherish (hope) =abril=, April =abrir=, to open =abrir agua=, to leak =absolutamente=, absolutely =abuso=, abuse =acá, aquí=, here =acabado=, finish (cloth) =acabar=, to finish =acabar de ..=., to have just =acaudalado=, rich, wealthy =acceder=, to accede =accidente=, accident =acciones=, actions, shares =acciones preferences=, preference shares =accionista=, shareholder =aceite=, oil =acerca de=, relating to =acero=, steel =acertar á=, to happen, to contrive =acoger=, to admit, to receive =acolchado=, quilting =aconsejar=, to advise, to counsel =acorazado=, iron-clad =acordar=, to agree =acordarse=, to remember =acordonado=, corded =acreditar=, to credit =actas=, acts, deeds =actitud=, attitude =active=, active =activo y pasivo=, assets and liabilities =actual=, present, current, instant (month) =acudir=, to attend, to have recourse to =acusar=, to accuse, to show =adecuado, proporcionado=, adequate =aderezo=, finish (cloth) =adeudar=, to debit =adherir á=, to adhere to =adjunto=, enclosed, herewith =administrador=, manager (of a branch house, etc.) =admitir=, to admit, to accept, to acknowledge =adornos=, trimmings =adquirir=, to acquire =á duras penas=, with great effort =advertir=, to notice, to warn =aéreo=, overhead =afanarse=, to exert oneself, to take much trouble =aficionado á=, fond of =aflojar=, to relax =afortunadamente=, fortunately =agasajar=, to welcome =agencia=, agency =agiotista=, stock-jobber =aglomerar=, to agglomerate =Agosto=, August =agotar=, to drain, to exhaust =agradable=, agreeable, pleasant =agradar=, to oblige =agradecer=, to thank, to be obliged for =agrandar=, to enlarge =agrícola=, agricultural =agrio=, sour =agrupación=, group, muster =agua=, water =agudo=, sharp, keen =águila=, eagle =aguja=, needle =ahí=, there =ahora=, now =ahorrar=, to save, to economise =aislado=, hedged in, isolated =(lo) ajeno=, other people's property =ajeno á=, averse to, foreign to =ajo=, garlic =ajustar=, to adjust =ajuste=, adjustment =á la larga=, in the long run =á la verdad=, in truth =albaricoque=, apricot =alborear=, to dawn =alcalde=, mayor =alcista=, bull, bullish (exch.) =alechugado=, frilled =alegar=, to allege =alegrar=, to gladden =alegrarse=, to rejoice =alejarse=, to go away =alemanisco=, linen damask =alerta=, alert =alfiler=, pin =alfombra=, carpet =algo=, something, anything, somewhat, rather =algodón=, cotton =algodón disponible=, spot cotton =algodonero (mercado)=, cotton market =alguno=, some, any =aliento=, courage =alistar=, to enlist =allá, allí=, there =allanar=, to level, to facilitate =allí, allá=, there =alma=, soul =almacén=, warehouse =almacenero=, warehouseman =almacenes fiscales=, bonded warehouses =al menos=, at least =alquilar=, to rent, to hire, to give or take on lease =al revés=, on the wrong side =altos hornos=, blast furnaces, foundry =aludir á=, to allude, to hint =un alza=, a rise (price) =una alza=, a rise (price) =amabilidad=, kindness =amanecer=, to dawn =amar=, to love =amargo=, bitter =amarillo=, yellow, buff =ambos=, both =á medida que=, in proportion as =amedrentar=, to frighten =á mejor andar=, at best =amén de=, besides =á menos que=, unless =á menudo=, often i =americana=, coat, jacket =amigo=, friend =amistad=, friendship =amistoso=, friendly =amo=, master =amontonar=, to heap up, to pile up =amor=, love =amplio=, ample =añadir=, to add =ancho=, width, wide =anclar=, to anchor =andar=, to walk, to go =Andrinópolis (pañuelos de)=, Turkey red (handkerchiefs) =año=, year =anochecer=, to grow dark =ansioso de=, anxious, eager to =anteayer=, the day before yesterday =anterior=, anterior, previous =antes (de)=, before (time), formerly =anticipatión=, anticipation =anticipo=, advance =antiguo=, ancient, old =antojo=, caprice, whim =anular=, cancelar, to cancel =anunciar=, to advertise =apacible=, mild (colour) =apagado=, extinguished, quiet =apagarse=, to go out (fire) =aparecer=, to appear, to make one's appearance =aparentar=, to show outwardly =apelar=, to appeal =apenas=, scarcely =apertura=, opening =á pesar de=, in spite of =apetecer=, to desire, to covet =aplazar=, to postpone =á plazos=, by instalments =apreciar=, to appreciate =aprender=, to learn =apremiar=, to press, to urge =apresto=, finish (cloth) =apresurar=, to hasten (a), to urge =apresurarse=, to hasten (n) =aprovecharse=, to take advantage, to avail oneself of =aproximarse=, to approach, to draw near =apurar=, to exhaust, to investigate, to purify =apuro=, embarrassment =aquel, that =aquí=, here =arado=, plough =arancel=, Custom House tariff =árbitro=, arbiter, umpire =árbol=, tree =árbol de eje=, axle-shaft =archivos=, archives =arduo=, arduous, difficult =argüir=, to argue =armadores=, shipowners =armadura=, frame, framing (mach.) =armario=, cupboard =armas blancas=, side-arms =armas de fuego=, fire-arms =armazón de cama=, bedstead =arpillera=, bagging =arquitecto=, architect =arrancar=, to squeeze out, to wrench, to start from =arreglado=, reasonable =arreglar=, to arrange, to settle =arreglo=, arrangement =arrepentirse=, to repent =arriesgado=, dangerous =arrollar=, to roll =arroz=, rice =asamblea=, meeting =asargado=, twill =ascensor=, lift, hoist =asegurar=, to insure, to secure =asentar=, to seat, to book (orders) =asistir=, to assist, to attend =asociación de obreros=, trade union =asunto=, subject, matter, question, affair =atajo=, short cut =atañer=, to bear upon =atención=, attention =atender á=, to attend =atendible=, plausible =atenta (su)=, (your) favour =aterlizado=, twill =atizador=, poker =atraer=, to attract =atraicionar=, to betray =atrasado=, overdue =atravesar=, to cross =atrevido=, bold, daring =atribución=, attribution =atribuir=, to attribute =atropellar por=, to infringe, to run down =aumento=, increase =aunque=, although, even if =automóvil=, motor-car =avaro, avariento=, miser, miserly =avena=, oats =averia=, average, damage =avergonzarse=, to be ashamed =aviso=, advice, notice =avistar=, to sight =ayer=, yesterday =ayudar=, to help =azadas=, hoes =azadones=, pick-axes =azúcar=, sugar =azuelas=, adzes =azul=, blue


=baja=, decline, fall (in prices, etc.) =bajá=, pasha =bajar=, to go, to come down =bajista=, bear, bearish (exch.) =bajo cubierta=, under deck =balde (de)=, gratis, for nothing =balde (en)=, in vain, of no avail =ballena=, whale =bañar=, to wet, to bathe, to water =banco=, bank, bench, desk =banco de liquidación=, clearing-house =barato=, cheap =barba, barbas=, beard =barbilla, barba=, chin =barco, navío, buque=, ship, boat =barniz=, varnish =barrer=, to sweep =barrica=, cask =base=, basis =bastante bien=, pretty well =bastar=, to suffice, to be enough =basto=, coarse, common, inferior =bata=, wrap =batista, batiste=, lawn =baúl=, trunk =bayeta=, baize =beber=, to drink =belleza=, beauty =beneficio=, benefit =benéfico=, beneficent =benévolo=, benevolent =bergantín=, brig =berzas=, cabbages =betún=, blacking =biblioteca=, library =bicicleta=, bicycle =biela=, connecting rod =bien=, well =(el) bien=, (the) good =bien estar=, well-being =billar=, billiards =bisabuelo=, great grandfather =blanco=, white =blanco (n)=, aim =blando=, gentle, soft =blanquear=, to bleach =bobina=, bobbin =boca=, mouth =bocina=, megaphone =bodega=, cellar, hold (ship) =bola=, ball =boletín=, form, slip, price list =bolsa=, Exchange, Bourse =bombas de aire=, air pumps =bondadoso=, kind =bonificar=, to make an allowance, a rebate =bonito=, pretty =bordado=, embroidered =botas=, boots =boticario=, chemist =botines=, boots =botón=, button =bramante=, twine =brazo=, arm =brevedad=, brevity, shortness =(á la mayor) brevedad=, as soon as possible =brisa=, breeze =brochado=, brocade =buey=, ox =bufanda=, muffler =bufete de abogado=, lawyer's office =buje=, hub =bullir=, to boil =bultos=, packages =buque, barco, navío=, ship, boat =buque á motor=, automóvil, motor-boat =buque de vapor=, steamer =buque de vela=, sailing vessel =burlarse=, to make fun of, to trifle with =bursátil (mercado)=, money market =buscar=, to look for, to search =buscarse=, to bring upon oneself


=cabal=, just, upright =caballero=, señor, gentleman =caballo=, horse =caber=, to be able to contain, to be able to be contained =cabeza=, head =cabida=, room, space =cable=, cable =cablegrama=, cablegram =cabo=, corporal, end =cada=, each, every =caer=, to fall =caída=, fall (n.) =café, coffee =café, castaño=, brown (dyed) =caja=, case, box =cajero=, cashier =calcetines, socks, half hose =calcular, to calculate =cálculo=, calculation =caldera=, boiler =caldero=, small cauldron, bucket =caldos=, wines and oils (collectively) =calidad=, quality =callar=, to be silent, to abstain from saying =calle=, street =calor=, heat, warmth =calorífero=, stove =calzado=, footwear =cama=, bed, bedstead =cambiar=, to alter, to exchange =cambio, los cambios=, change; the Bill Market =camisa=, shirt =(el) campo=, (the) country, (the) countryside =campo=, field =caña=, cane =cáñamo=, hemp =cancelar, anular=, to cancel =canela=, cinnamon =cansar=, to tire =cantidad=, quantity (also amount) =capataz=, foreman =el capital=, the capital (money) =la capital=, the capital (town) =capitán=, captain =cara=, face =carbón (de piedra)=, coal =carbón (vegetal)=, charcoal =carbonera, pañol=, bunker =carecer (de)=, to lack =cargamento=, cargo =cargar=, to load, to debit =carne, carne seca=, flesh, meat, jerked beef =carne en salmuera=, pickled beef =caro=, dear, expensive =carpeta=, writing pad =carranclanes, guingas=, ginghams =carril=, rail =carriles, rieles, railes=, rails =carro=, cart =carta=, letter =cartera=, pocket-book, portfolio =cartero=, postman =casa=, house, firm =casaca=, coat, jacket =casar=, to marry =casarse=, to marry =casillero=, pigeon-holes =castaño, café=, brown (dyed) =castellano=, Castillian, Spanish =castigar=, to punish, to chastise =catálogo=, catalogue =caucho, goma elástica=, rubber =cauteloso=, cautious =cauto=, cautious =cebada=, barley =cebolla=, onion =ceder=, to cede, to yield, to make over =cédula=, warrant =celebrar=, to be glad of =celebrarse=, to be celebrated, to take place (meetings, etc.) =célebre=, celebrated =celeste=, heavenly, sky-blue =cena=, supper =cepillo=, brush, also plane =cerca de=, near (prep.) =cercano=, near (adj.) =cerradura=, lock =cerrar=, to close, to shut =cerrar (con llave)=, to lock =cerrar el trato=, to conclude the bargain =certificar=, to certify, to register (letters, etc.) =cerveza=, beer =cestilla=, waste-paper basket =ciego=, blind =cielo=, heaven, sky =cien, ciento=, hundred =ciencia=, science, wisdom =cierre=, lock-out =cierto=, certain =cifras=, figures =cigarros, tabacos, puros=, cigars =cigüeñal=, crank shaft =cilindro=, cylinder, roller =cima=, top =cinta=, ribbon =cinto=, sash =cinturón=, belt =circular=, to circulate, to go round =citar=, to quote, to cite, to mention a passage, etc. =citar ante los tribunales=, to summon =ciudad=, city =cizallas=, shears =claramente=, clearly =claras (a las)=, openly, clearly =claro=, clear, clearly, light (colour) =claro y redondo=, quite openly =clavel=, carnation =clavos=, nails, cloves =cliente=, client, customer =clientela=, custom, clientèle, connection =clima (el)=, climate =climatológico=, climatic =cobrar=, to charge, to collect (money) =cobre=, copper =cocer=, to bake, to cook =codicia=, greed =codiciar=, to covet =coger=, to catch, to capture =col=, cabbage =colcha de plumón=, down quilt =colección=, collection, set (of patterns) =colgar=, to hang =colmo=, climax, record =colocar=, to place =coloniales=, colonial produce =color firme, sólido=, fast colour =color falso, fugitive=, loose colour =coloridos=, colourings =columna=, column =comanditar=, to finance =comarca=, region, district (of a country) =comedido=, considerate, thoughtful =comenzar=, empezar, to commence =comer=, to eat =comercial=, commercial =comerciante=, negociante, merchant =comercio=, commerce, trade =comisionista=, commission agent =como, ¿cómo?= as, how? =compañía anónima (por acciones)=, limited company =compensar=, to compensate, to make good =competidor, contrincante=, competitor, neighbour =complacer, agradar, favorecer=, to oblige =completo=, complete, full =compra=, purchase =comprar=, to buy =comprender=, entender, to understand =comprometerse=, to compromise, to commit oneself, to prejudice, to undertake =común=, common =concebir=, to conceive =conceder=, to grant =concejo, cabildo, ayuntamiento, municipality =concerner=, to concern =concisamente=, concisely =condiciones=, terms =conducir=, to lead =conducta=, conduct, behaviour =con el corazón en la mano=, quite candidly =conexiones=, connections, couplings =confeccionar=, to make up =conferencia=, lecture =confesar=, to confess =confianza=, confidence, trust =confiar (á)=, to entrust =confiar (en)=, to trust =(de) conformidad (con)=, in accordance with, agreeable to =conforme a=, according to =conocer=, to know a person, an object =conocimiento, conocido=, acquaintance =conocimiento=, bill of lading =consabido=, in question =conseguir, obtener=, to get, to obtain, to succeed in =consejo=, advice =conservas alimenticias=, preserves =considerar=, to consider =consignación=, consignment =consignar=, to consign, to record =consignatario=, consignee =consumidor=, consumer =contado (al)=, (for) cash =con tal que=, provided that =contar=, to count, to relate =contar con=, to calculate, to reckon upon =(el) contenido=, the contents =contentar=, to oblige =contento=, content, contentment =contestar, responder=, to answer, to reply =continuamente=,, continually =continuar=, to continue =contra, en contra de=, against =contrabando=, contraband =contramaestre de filatura=, master spinner =contramandar, revocar=, to countermand, to revoke =contrario=, unfavourable, contrary, adverse =contratiempo=, hitch =contrato=, contract, written agreement =contribuir=, to contribute =contrincante, competidor=, competitor, neighbour =convencer=, to convince =conveniente=, convenient, suitable =convenio=, agreement =convenir=, to agree, to suit =convocar=, to call together (to a meeting) =copa, sombrero de=, silk hat =copiador=, copy book =coquillos=, jeans =cordobán=, morocco leather =correas=, belts (machine), belting =corredor=, broker =correo=, the post =correr=, to run =correrse=, to make a slip of the tongue =correspondencia=, correspondence =corresponder a las necesidades=, to meet the requirements =corresponsal=, correspondent =corrido=, acute, artful =corriente=, current, inst. =cortapluma=, penknife =cortarse=, to cut oneself, to stop short (in middle of speech) =corte=cutting =cortésmente=, politely, courteously =corto=, brief, short =cosa=, thing =cosecha=, harvest, crop, harvest time =costa=, coast =coste, flete y seguro (c.f.s.)=, c.i.f., cost, insurance, freight =costumbre=, custom, habit =cotización=, quotation =cotizar=, to quote (prices) =crédito=, credit =creer=, to believe, to think =cregüelas=, osnaburgs =crema=, cream =crespolinas=, crimps =criada=, maidservant =criado=, manservant =croquis=, sketch =cruzados=, twills =cuadritos=, checks =cuadro=, picture, table (figures) =cualquiera=, any (affirm.) =cualquiera=, whoever, whichever =cuando=, when =cuandoquiera (que)=, whenever =cuantioso=, abundant, ample =cuarto=, apartment, room, quarter =cuarto=, fardín, farthing, a trifling amount =cúbico=, cubic =cubrir, cubierto=, cover, covered =cucharas=, spoons =cuchilla=, knife =cuenta=, account, statement =cuenta de venta=, account sales =cuenta simulada, pro= forma account =cueros=, hides =cuerpo=, body =cuesta=, slope =cuestión=, question =cuidadosamente=, carefully =cuidar=, to take care =cuidarse=, to take care of oneself =culpa=, fault, blame =culpado=, at fault =cumplir (con)=, to fulfil, to accomplish =cuñada=, sister-in-law =cuñado=, brother-in-law =cuota=, quota =cuyo=, whose


=chaconadas=, jaconets =chal=, shawl =chaleco=, vest, waistcoat =charla=, prattle, gossip =chanclos=, goloshes =chapa=, plate (metal) =chelín=, shilling =cheque=, cheque =chillones=, gaudy (colours) =chimenea=, chimney =chocolate=, chocolate =chucherías=, pretty trifles


=damasco=, damask =dañar=, to damage =daño=, damage, injury, breakdown =dar=, to give =dar aviso al proprietario=, to give notice to leave =dar cuenta=, to report =dar en el clavo=, to hit it =dar las gracias=, to give thanks =darse á partido=, to yield, to submit =dátiles=, dates =debajo (de)=, under =deber=, to owe, must =debido á=, owing to =de buena tinta (tener)=, from a good source (to have) =decadencia=, decadence =decididamente=, decidedly =decidir, decidirse=, to decide, to make up one's mind =decir=, to say, to tell =declamar=, to declaim =declarar=, to declare =declararse en quiebra=, to file one's petition in bankruptcy =decretar=, to decree =dedal=, thimble =dedicarse=, to devote oneself =defecto=, defect, imperfection =definir=, to define, also to settle =definitivo=, definite =dejar=, to leave, to let =dejar sin efecto=, to cancel (orders, etc.) =delegado=, delegate =delicado de salud=, in indifferent health =delinquir=, to commit a delinquency =demanda y oferta=, supply and demand =demandar=, to demand =demasiado=, too, too much =de miedo que=, lest =de modo que=, so that =demora=, delay =demostrar confianza á=, to show confidence in =dentro (de)=, inside, within =depender (de)=, to depend (upon) =dependiente=, clerk =deplorar=, to deplore =depósito=, deposit, depôt, store =deprimir=, to depress =derecho=, right, straight, customs, duty =desanimado=, lifeless, stagnant (market) =desanimar (se)=, to disconcert, to feel discouraged =desarme=, disarmament =desarrollar=, to develop =descarga=, discharge, unloading =descomponer=, to put out of gear =desconcertar=, to put out, to upset =descuidar=, to neglect =desdichado=, unfortunate, unhappy =desear=, to wish =desembarcar=, to load =deseoso=, eager, wishful =desfavorable=, unfavourable =desgracia=, misfortune =deshacerse (de)=, to get rid of =deshonra=, dishonour =desinteresarse=, to abandon =deslumbrar=, to dazzle =despacho, escritorio, oficina=, office =despacio=, slowly =despedida (aviso de)=, dismissal (notice of) =despejar=, to clear =desperdiciar=, to waste =despertar=, to wake up =desplegar=, to unfold =despreciable=, despicable =después=, after, afterwards =destajista=, contractor =desteñir=, to fade =detalles=, details =detenidamente=, at length =detallado=, detailed =detrás=, behind =deuda=, debt =devanarse los sesos=, to rack one's brains =devoción=, devotion =devolver=, to return, to give or send back =(el) día=, the day =diagonales=, twills =diario=, day book =días de estadía=, lay days =días de contra estadía=, days of demurrage =dibujos, diseños=, designs =diccionario=, dictionary =dichoso=, lucky =Diciembre=, December =dictamen=, award, decision =dientes=, teeth =diferente=, different =diferir=, to defer, to postpone =difícil=, difficult =dificultad=, difficulty, also objection =difunto=, late, deceased =diligencia=, diligence =diligentemente=, diligently =(un) dineral=, (a) mint of money =dinero=, money =dinero efectivo=, cash, ready money =Dios=, God =dique=, dock =dirección=, address, direction =dirigir=, to direct =dirigirse=, to address oneself =discípulo=, pupil =discreto=, discreet, sensible =disculpar=, to excuse =discutir=, to discuss =diseños, dibujos=, designs =diseñador=, draughtsman =disfrutar (de)=, to enjoy =disgustado=, annoyed, disgusted, displeased =dispensar=, to excuse =disponer=, to dispose, to arrange =disponible=, available, spot (cotton) =disposición=, disposition, disposal, instruction =distinguir=, to distinguish =distinto=, different =distrito=, district =disturbado=, disturbed, upset =disturbio=, disturbance =divertirse=, to enjoy oneself =doblar, duplicar=, to double, to duplicate =dobladillado=, hemmed =con dobladillo de ojo=, hemstitched =docena=, dozen =doctrina=, doctrine, knowledge =documento=, document =doler=, to hurt, to ache, to pain =dolor=, pain, sorrow =dolor de cabeza=, headache =doloroso=, painful =domicilio=, residence, registered office of a company =Domingo=, Sunday =dominio=, dominion, control =donde (¿dónde?)=, where =dondequiera que=, wherever =dormir=, to sleep =dormirse=, to fall asleep =dril=, drill =duda=, doubt =dudar=, to doubt, to question =duplicar, doblar=, to duplicate, to double =durante=, during =durar=, to last


=echar=, to throw, to cast =echar á perder=, to spoil, to ruin, to wreck =echar al correo=, to post =edificio=, local, building =efectuar=, to effect =ejecutar=, to execute =ejército=, army =elaborar=, to elaborate =elegantemente=, elegantly, stylishly =elegir, escoger=, to choose, to select =elevar=, to raise, to enhance, to put up =embajador=, ambassador =embarcar=, to embark, to ship =embarque=, shipment =embrollar=, to entangle, to cheat =emisión=, issue =emitir=, to issue =empacar=, to pack =empeñar=, to engage, to pawn, to pledge =empeño (tener)=, to be earnest, anxious about anything =empeños=, obligations, engagements =empeoramiento=, turn for the worse, deterioration =empezar, comenzar=, to commence =emplear=, to employ =emplearse=, to be employed, used for =emprendedor=, enterprising =empresa=, undertaking, concern, enterprise =empréstito=, loan =en breve=, shortly =encaje=, lace =encaminar=, to forward =encargarse (de)=, to take charge =encarnado=, red =en caso que=, in case =encina, roble=, oak =encojerse=, to shrink =encojido=, shrunk, shrivelled =en contra de=, against =encontrar=, to meet, to find =encuadernar=, to bind (books) =endosar=, to endorse =en efectivo, en metálico=, in cash =Enero=, January =enfadado=, angry =enfermo, malo=, ill =enfurecido=, furious, infuriated =engañifa=, trick =engranaje=, gearing =en latas=, canned =en regla=, in order =ensartapapeles=, file =ensartar=, to file papers, to string beads =ensayo=, trial, proof, venture =en seguida=, at once =enseñanza=, teaching =enseñar=, to teach, to show =entender, comprender=, to understand =entenderse de=, to be a judge of =enterarse=, to get to know =entero (por)=, in full =entonces=, then, at that time =entrante, próximo=, next =entrar (en)=, to enter =entre=, between, amongst =entrega=, delivery =entregar=, to deliver, to hand (personally) =entrepuentes=, between decks =enviar, mandar=, to send =envidia=, envy =envió=, shipment =época=, epoch, time, period =equidad=, equity, fairness, fair dealing =equipo=, equipment =equitativo=, fair =equivocación=, mistake =equivocarse=, to make a mistake, to be mistaken =error=, mistake, error =escala=, ladder, scale =escala (hacer)=, to call at (steamers) =escandaloso=, scandalous, shocking =escaño=, stool =escapar, huir=, to escape =escarcha (tornado por la)=, frost-bitten =escarmentar=, to take warning =escoba=, broom =escoger, elegir=, to choose, to select =escribir (se)=, to write, to write to each other =escrito=, letter, writing (n.) =escritor=, writer =escritorio=, writing desk, office =escuchar=, to listen =es decir, á saber=, viz. =ese, a, o=, that =esfuerzo=, effort =espada=, sword =espalda=, shoulder =espaldas=, back =español=, Spanish =espantarse=, to be frightened =especias=, spices =especie=, species, kind, rumour, news =especulación=, deal, speculation =esperar=, to hope, to wait for, to expect =espeso=, thick =esposo-a=, husband, wife =esquela=, note =establecer (se)=, to establish, to establish oneself =estación, temporada=, season =estadística=, statistics =estallar=, to break out, to burst =estampar=, to print (cloth) =estancia=, stay =estante=, bookshelf =estaño=, tin =estar, estarse=, to be =este,-a,-o=, this =este=, east =estima=, appreciation, esteem =estiva=, stowage =estrenar=, to use or wear for the first time =estrenarse=, to make a start =estudiar=, to study =estufa=, stove =eternamente=, eternally, for ever =etiqueta=, ticket, label =evitar=, to avoid =exacto=, exact, accurate =examen=, examination =exceder=, to exceed, to overstep =exclusive=, exclusive, sole =exhibir=, to show, to exhibit =exigir=, to require =exiguo=, slender, slight, small =existencias=, stocks =éxito=, result =éxito (bueno, malo)=, success, failure =expedidor=, sender =experimentar=, to experience, to experiment =experto=, experienced =explicar, explanar=, to explain =explotar=, to exploit, to work (mines, etc.) =exponerse á=, to encounter, to expose oneself to =exportación=, export, exportation =exportador=, exporter, shipper =extender=, to extend, to stretch =extranjero=, foreigner, foreign, also abroad =extraño=, strange, queer


=fábrica de algodón=, cotton mill =fabricante=, manufacturer =facilidad=, ease, facility =factura=, invoice =facturar=, to invoice =falta=, want, absence of, fault, blame =falta de aceptación, de pago=, non-acceptance, non-payment =faltar=, to be wanting, to be necessary, to fail =fama=, fame, reputation, name =famoso=, famous =fantasías=, fancies =fardín, cuarto=, farthing, a trifling amount =fardito=, truss =fardo=, bale =favorable=, favourable =favorecer=, to oblige =Febrero=, February =fecha=, date =fecha de=, dated =feliz=, happy =ferretería=, ironware =ferrocarril=, railway =festoneado=, scalloped =fiador=, surety =fiados=, book debts =fidedigno=, trustworthy =fiel=, faithful =fielato=, octroi office =fiesta del comercio=, bank holiday =fijar=, to fix =fijo=, fixed, firm =filosofía=, philosophy =firma=, signature =firmar=, to sign =firmeza=, firmness =(el) fin=, the end =fino=, shrewd =fletar=, to charter, to freight =flete=, freight =flojedad=, slackness =flojo=, slack =flor=, flower =floreciente=, flourishing =folleto=, leaflet =fomento=, development, encouragement =fonda=, hotel, hotel =fondo=, bottom, ground (colour) =fondos=, funds, capital =forma=, shape =formal=, formal, respectable =forro=, lining =fortuna=, fortune =forzar=, to force, to strain =fósforos=, matches =fracasar=, to fall through =fracaso=, failure =franco de averia particular=, f.p.a. (free particular average) =franco de porte, tra(n)sporte pagado=, carriage paid =franja=, fringe =franqueo=, postage =frase=, phrase, sentence =frazada=, blanket =frecuentemente=, frequently =(la) frente=, forehead =(el) frente=, front =fresno=, ash =frío= (adj. and n), cold =fruta=, fruit =fruto=, fruit of labour, etc. =fuente=, fountain, source =fuerte=, strong, fast, firm =fuerza motriz=, motive power =fugitivo= loose (colours) =fulano=, so and so =funcionar de, proceder (como)=, to act as =fundar=, to found =furioso=, furious =fustán=, fustian


=galón=, gallon =gana=, inclination, desire =gana, de buena, mala=, willingly, unwillingly =ganancias y pérdidas=, profit and loss =ganar=, to gain, to earn =ganga=, a bargain, cheap lot =garabato=, clothes hook =garantizar=, to guarantee, to warrant =garbanzos=, Spanish peas =garrote=, stick, cudgel =gastar=, to spend, to spoil; also to wear (usually) =gato=, cat, jack (machinery) =general=, general =géneros=, goods =géneros alimenticios=, food-stuffs =géneros imperfectos=, jobs =generoso=, generous =genio=, temper =gente (la)=, people =gerente=, manager =girar=, to draw (a bill), to turn =giro=, bill, draft, also turnover =gobernar=, to govern =gobierno=, government =goleta=, schooner =goma elástica, caucho=, rubber =gorra (gorro)=, cap =gorrión=, sparrow =gozar=, to enjoy =grabado=, embossed =gracia=, grace, gracefulness =graduación=, gradation, degree =granadas=, pomegranates =grande (gran)=, great, large =grande velocidad (á)=, by fast train =granizar=, to hail =granjearse=, to win over =granos, mercado de=, grain, grain market =gratificación=, gratuity =gratitud=, gratitude =gratuito=, gratuitous, honorary =grifo=, cock (machinery) =gris=, grey =grito=, cry, shout =grueso=, thick =gruñir=, to growl, to grumble, to grunt =guante=, glove =guardafuego=, fender =guardapapeles=, file =guardar=, to keep =guardar cama=, to lie in bed =guardias aduaneras=, custom house officials =guarnición=, trimming =guerra=, war =guingas, carranclanes=, ginghams =guisantes=, green peas =gustar=, to please =gustar (á uno)=, to like


=habas=, broad beans =haber=, to have, there to be =haber menester=, to need =habérselas con uno=, to dispute, to wrangle, to vie with =hábil=, clever =habitantes=, inhabitants =hablar=, to speak =hacer=, to do, to make =hacer caso=, to take notice =hacer constar=, to show, to demonstrate =hacer falta=, to be wanted =hacer frente=, to face, to meet (bills, etc.) =hacerse=, to become =hacer una remesa=, to send a remittance =hachuelas (hachas)=, hatchets (axes) =hacienda=, property, shop, stores =hallar, encontrar=, to find =hambre=, hunger =hampa=, vagabonds (company of) =hasta que=, until =hasta la fecha=, to date =hasta que punto=, to what extent =hato=, wearing apparel, bundle of clothes =hay=, there is, there are =haya=, beech =heces de sebo=, tallow, greaves =hecho=, fact, action =helar=, to freeze =(la= or =el) hélice=, the screw (of a boat) =herida=, wound, sting =herir=, to wound, to cut (fig.) =hermano=, brother =hermosamente=, beautifully =hermoso=, beautiful, fine, handsome =herramientas=, tools =hervir=, to boil =hidalguía=, nobleness, chivalry =hielo=, escarcha, frost =hierro=, iron =higos=, figs =higuera=, fig tree =hija política, nuera=, daughter-in-law =hijo=, son =hijodalgo=, gentleman by birth, squire =hijo político, yerno=, son-in-law =hilador=, spinner =hilados=, yarn =hilar=, to spin =hinchazón=, boom =hipoteca, mortgage =hipotecar=, to mortgage =historia=, history =holandas=, hollands =holgazán=, lazy =hombre=, man =hombre llano=, rough-and-ready man =honor=, honour =honradez=, honesty =honrar=, to honour =hora=, hour =hortelano= (fruit) gardener =hortera=, office boy (jocularly) =hoy=, to-day =huelga=, strike =huerta=, orchard =hueso=, bone =huir, escapar=, to flee, to escape =humear=, to smoke (of a chimney) =hundimiento=, subsidence


=el idioma=, the language =igual=, equal =igualar=, to equal, to match =ilustrado=, enlightened =ilustrar=, to illustrate =ilustre=, illustrious =impedir=, to hinder =imperfectos=, job lots =imponer=, to impose, also to inform =importaciones=, imports =importancia=, importance, amount =importar=, to matter =importar (en)=, to amount to =importe=, amount =imprimir (impreso)=, to print (printed) =imprevidencia=, want of foresight =imprevisto=, unforeseen =impuesto=, tax =impuesto de consumos=, octroi duties =incertidumbre=, uncertainty =incluir=, to enclose, to include =inconveniencia=, unsuitability, impropriety =inconveniente=, inconvenience =indemnidad=, indemnity, signed guarantee =indemnización=, indemnity (compensation for loss) =indicar=, to indicate, to point out =indígena=, native =industria=, industry =inercia=, idleness, inertia =infeliz=, unhappy =ínfimo=, infinitesimal =infinidad=, an infinite number =informe=, report =informes=, information(s), references =informar (de)=, to inform of, to acquaint with =ingeniero=, engineer =ingratitud=, ingratitude =ingresos netos=, net revenue =inmaturo, verde=, unripe =inmediato=, immediate =innavegable=, unnavigable =innoble=, ignoble =inquilino=, tenant =inquietarse=, to feel uneasy =integro=, integer, whole, upright =inteligencia=, intelligence =intención=, intention =intentar=, to intend =interés=, interest =interesante=, interesting =ínterin (en el)=, in the meantime =interino=, interim =interior=, interior, inland =intervista=, interview =interpretar=, to interpret =invertir=, to invest (money) =invierno=, winter =ir=, to go, to lead to =irrisorio=, laughable, absurd, ridiculously low (of prices) =irse=, to go away =isla=, island =izquierda=, left


=jabalí=, boar =jactarse=, to boast =jamón=, ham =jardín=, garden =jardinero=, gardener =jefe=, employer, chief =jornalero=, day-labourer =joven=, young, young man, young woman =judías=, French beans =Jueves=, Thursday =jugoso=, juicy =juicioso=, judicious, wise =Julio=, July =Junio=, June =junta de acreedores=, meeting of creditors =junto á=, near to, coupled with =justificar=, to justify, to warrant =justificarse=, to justify oneself =justo=, right, just, fair =jute, yute=, jute =juventud=, youth, young age


=la labor=, labour =laborioso=, laborious, hard-working =labrado=, figured—brocaded =lacre=, sealing-wax =lado=, side =ladrillos refractarios=, fire bricks =ladrón=, thief =lana=, wool =langosta=, lobster =lanillas para banderas=, bunting =lápiz=, pencil =lardo=, lard =largo=, long =largo de talle=, abundant, full =largura=, length =lástima=, pity =latón=, brass =lección=, lesson =la leche=, milk =lectura=, reading =leer=, to read =legajo=, bundle (of papers) =legislatura=, (parliamentary) session =lejos=, far away =lengua=, tongue, language =lento=, slow, remiss =letra=, bill of exchange, handwriting =levita=, frock-coat =la ley=, the law =libra=, pound sterling, pound weight =librarse=, to get rid of =libre=, free =libro=, book =libro de facturas=, invoice book =libro mayor=, ledger =liebre=, hare =lienzos=, linens =lienzos adamascados=, diapers =lienzos morenos=, brown (unbleached) linens =ligero=, slight, light =limitación=, curtailment, limitation =limitar=, to limit =límite=, limit =limones=, lemons =limpiar=, to clean =limpio=, clean =lingotes de hierro=, pig-iron =lino=, flax =linón, olán=, lawn =liquidar=, to liquidate, to settle, to clear off (goods) =líquido, neto=, nett =liso=, plain, smooth =lisonjearse=, to flatter oneself =lista, boletín=, price list =listados=, striped (goods) =el local=, the building, the premises =loco=, mad =locomotora=, locomotive =lograr=, to contrive, to attain =logro=, attainment =el lote, la partida=, lot =loza=, crockery =luchar=, to fight, to struggle against =luego=, at once, then =luego que=, as soon as =en lugar de=, instead of =Lunes=, Monday =luto=, mourning


=llamar=, to call =llamarse (me llamo)=, to be called (my name is) =llantas=, tyres =llegar=, to arrive =llegar á ser=, to become, to contrive to be =lleno=, full =llevar=, to carry, to wear, to take =llevar á cabo=, to carry into effect =llevar chasco=, to be disappointed, to be baffled =llevarse bien=, to get on well =llover=, to rain =lloviznar=, to drizzle =lluvia=, rain


=maceta, portaramillete (portarramillete), florero=, flower-stand =machacar=, to hammer, to insist =madera=, timber, wood =madre=, mother =maestro=, teacher, master =maíz=, maize =mal=, badly =mala, correo=, post =malbaratar=, to undersell =malcontento=, uneasiness, discontent =maleta=, portmanteau =malgastar=, to waste, to squander =malo=, bad, wicked, also ill =malversar=, to embezzle =mampostería=, masonry =mancha=, spot, stain =mandar=, to order, to send =mandar buscar=, to send for =mandato=, order (injunction) =manga=, sleeve (also hose, pump) =de manga ancha=, not over-scrupulous =mango=, handle =manifestar=, to manifest, to inform, to say (in a letter) =mano=, hand, quire =mano de obra=, labour =manta=, blanket =manteca= (S. America, =mantequilla=), butter =manteca de puerco=, lard =mantener=, to maintain, to hold up =mantenerse=, to maintain oneself, to be maintained =manzana=, apple =mañana=, to-morrow, the morning =máquina á =vapor, steam engine =maquinaria=, machinery =mar alborotada=, heavy sea =maravillar=, to surprise =maravillarse=, to wonder =marca=, mark, brand =marcharse=, to go away =margarina=, margarine =marido=, husband =mariscos=, shell fish =mármol=, marble =martes=, Tuesday =martillos=, hammers =Marzo=, March =mas=, but =más=, more =más adelante=, later on =material rodante=, rolling-stock =(el) matiz=, shade of colour =matute=, smuggling =Mayo=, May =mayor=, larger =mayormente=, especially =(la) mayor parte=, most =mecanismo=, mechanism, contrivance (machinery of the law, etc.) =mecer=, to stir (a liquid), to rock (acradle, etc.) =mediana=, average =mediar=, to intervene =medias=, hose, stockings =médico=, doctor, physician =medida=, measure =mediería=, hosiery =medio=, half, means =medrar=, to prosper =mejor=, better =mejora, mejoría=, improvement, looking up (market) =mejorar=, to improve =melindroso=, squeamish, very particular =melocotones=, peaches =mención (hacer)=, to mention =mencionar=, to mention =menester=, necessary, needful =menor=, smaller =mensual=, monthly =(la) mente=, the mind =mercado=, market =mercancía=, merchandise, goods =merced á=, thanks to =mercería=, haberdashery =merma=, leakage =mes=, month =mesa=, table =método=, method =metro=, metre =miedo=, fear =miembro=, member =mientras=, while =mientras tanto=, meanwhile =miércoles=, Wednesday =mil=, thousand =milla=, mile =millón=, million =mina de carbón=, coal-mine, colliery =minero=, miner =mínimo=, minimum =ministro-erio=, minister, ministry =mirar=, to look =mismo=, same, self =la mitad=, the half =modista=, milliner =modo=, way, manner =moer=, mohair =moler=, to grind =montaje=, mounting (machinery) =monte, montaña=, mount, mountain =moratoria, moratorium=, time extension for payment =moreno=, brown, natural colour =moroso, lento=, remiss, slow (in payments) =mortal=, mortal =mostrar=, to show =motín=, riot =mover=, to move =mozalbete=, beardless youth =muchacho=, boy, lad =mucho=, much, exceedingly, greatly =muebles de bejuco=, rattan furniture =muestra=, sample =muestrarios=, pattern cards, sets =mujer=, woman, wife =multa=, a fine, penalty =mundial=, world (adj.) =mundo=, world =todo el mundo=, everybody =muselina=, muslin =museo=, museum =muy=, very


=nación=, nation =nada=, nothing =nanquín, mahón=, nankeen =nansú=, nainsook =naranjas=, oranges =nariz=, nose =naufragar (se)=, to wreck (to be shipwrecked) =navaja de afeitar=, razor =Navidad=, Christmas =navío, barco, buque=, ship, boat =necesario=, necessary =necesitar=, to want, to need =negar=, to deny =negarse=, to refuse =negativa=, refusal =negociado=, division (gov. office) =negociante=, merchant =negocio(s)=, business =negro=, black =neto, líquido=, nett =neumático=, pneumatic =nevar=, to snow =nieve=, snow =ninguno=, no one, any (after neg.) =niño=, child =niquelado=, nickel-plated =nivel=, level =no bien=, as soon as =noche=, evening, night =nombrar=, to appoint =nombre=, name =no obstante=, notwithstanding =norte=, north =no sea que=, lest =notas de banco=, bank notes =noticia(s)=, news =Noviembre=, November =novísimo=, brand new =nuera, hija política=, daughter-in-law =nuevo=, new =numero=, number =nunca=, ever, never


=objeto=, object =obligación=, bond, debenture, obligation. =obligar=, to compel =obligarse=, to bind oneself =obrar=, to operate, to work, to act =obrero=, workman =obsequio=, favour =observar=, to observe, to remark, to notice =obstruir=, to obstruct =obtener, conseguir=, to get, to obtain, to succeed in. =ocasión=, occasion =océano=, ocean =Octubre=, October =ocurrir=, to occur, to happen =oeste=, west =oficina, escritorio, despacho=, office =ofrecer=, to offer =ofrecimiento=, offer =oir=, to hear ¡=ojo=! attention, look out =el ojo=, the eye =olanes, linones=, lawns =ollería=, hollow-ware =olvidar (se)=, to forget =ómnibus=, omnibus =operaciones=, dealings, operations =operadores=, dealers (on 'Change), operators =oponerse=, to oppose =oportunidad=, opportunity, chance =óptimo=, very good, excellent =orden=, order =ordinario=, ordinary =organizar=, to organize =orilla=, bank (river), selvedge =oro=, gold =otoño=, autumn =otro=, other =ovillo (de algodón)=, ball (of cotton)


=padre=, father =padres=, parents =pagadero=, payable =pagar=, to pay =pagaré=, promissory note, note of hand =página=, page =paila, tacho=, pan (sugar manuf.) =país=, country (nation) =pájaro=, bird =palabra=, word =palacio=, palace =palas=, shovels, spades =palmera=, date-palm =palo de mesana=, mizzen mast =palo mayor=, main mast =pan=, bread, loaf =pana=, velveteen =pana acordonada=, cords, corduroy =paño=, cloth, suiting =pañol, carbonera=, bunker =pantalones=, trousers =pañuelo=, handkerchief =papel=, paper =papel secante=, blotting-paper =paquete=, packet, parcel =par=, pair, couple =á la par=, at the same time =para, por=, for =para con=, towards =para que=, so that =parecer=, to appear, to seem =el parte=, the report =la parte=, the part =partida=, lot, parcel (of goods) =partir=, to depart, to set out =pasar=, to pass, to hand =pasar por=, visitar, to call at =pasársele por alto á uno=, to escape one's notice. =pasas (de Corinto)=, raisins, currants =Pascua=, Easter =paseo=, promenade, walk, stroll =el pasivo, pasividades=, liabilities =paso=, step =dar pasos=, to take steps =patines=, skates =patria=, country, fatherland =patronos=, masters (of workmen) =pausa=, pause =paz=, peace =pedido=, order =pedir=, to ask, to demand =peligro=, danger =peligroso, arriesgado=, dangerous =pelo=, hair =penique=, penny =pensar (se)=, to think =Pentecostés=, Whitsuntide =(á) pequeña velocidad=, (by) slow train =pequeñeces=, trifles =pequeño=, small, little (adj.) =pera=, pear =percal=, calico =perder=, to lose =pérdida=, loss =perenne=, perennial =perfeccionar=, to perfect =perfectamente=, perfectly =perfecto=, perfect =periódico=, newspaper =perito=, expert =perjuicios=, damages =pero=, but =perro=, dog =perspectivas=, prospects =perturbar=, to disturb =pesado=, heavy =peso=, weight =pésimo=, very bad =petición=, request, petition =picos=, picks =(al) pie=, (at) foot =piel=, skin =pierna=, leg =piezas de repuesto=, spare pieces (machinery) =pimienta=, pepper =pino=, pine =pintura=, paint =pipa=, cask, pipe =pistola=, pistol =placer=, to please, pleasure =plan=, plan (idea) =planchas de hierro=, sheet iron =plano=, plan (sketch) =planta=, plant =plata=, silver =plaza=, market-place, square, place (town) =plazo=, term =plegar=, to fold =plomo=, lead (slate-colour) =pluma=, pen =población=, villa, town =pobre=, poor =poco=, little (adv. and subs.) =poder=, to be able =poder= (n.), power, power of attorney =(no) poder menos de=, not to be able to help … =poderoso=, powerful =podrido=, rotten =póliza de seguro=, insurance policy =poner=, to put, to place =poner al corriente=, to inform =poner en conocimiento=, to inform, to acquaint with =poner en condiciones=, to enable =poner pleito=, to bring an action =por, para=, for =porcelana=, china =por decirlo así=, so to say, as it were =por de contado=, of course =porfiar=, to insist =por más que=, however much, although =(al) por mayor, por menor=, wholesale, retail =pormenores=, particulars, details =porta estampillas=, stamp-rack =portabandera=, standard-bearer =portanto=, therefore =portaramillete (portarramillete) maceta=, flower-stand =porte pagadero al destine, tra(n)sporte seguido=, carriage forward =portes, franqueo=, postage =pórtico=, porch =poseer=, to possess, to be worth =posición=, position, standing =postergar=, to delay, to put off =práctico=, practical =preceder=, to precede =precio=, price =precioso=, precious =preferible=, preferable =preliminar=, preliminary =premio=, reward, prize, premium =prescindir de=, to dispense with =presentar=, to present, to lay before, to produce, to introduce one person to another =prestar=, to lend, to render (help) =presupuesto=, estimate =prevalecer, reinar=, to prevail, to rule =prever=, to foresee, to anticipate =previsión=, foresight =prima=, premium =primavera=, spring =primer dependiente=, chief clerk =primo-a=, cousin =principal=, principal, chief, leading =principiar=, to commence =principio=, beginning =prisa=, speed, haste, hurry =probar=, to try, to prove, to attempt =proceso=, process, case, lawsuit =producir=, to produce =producto=, product, produce, output =productos accesorios=, bye-products =productos químicos=, chemicals =profesor=, professor =prohibir=, to prohibit =pronto=, quick, speedy, soon =propietario=, landlord, owner =propio=, own =proponer=, to propose =proponerse=, to intend, to purpose =proporcionado, adecuado=, adequate =proveer= (p.p.), =provisto (proveído)=, to provide =provisorio=, interim =próximamente=, about, approximately (also shortly) =próximo=, next =proyecto=, scheme, plan, project =proyecto de ley=, parliamentary bill =prudente=, prudent =pruebas=, proofs, trials, evidence =publicar=, to publish =pueblo=, people, town, village =puerco=, pig =puerta=, door =puerto=, port, harbour =pues=, then, well… =puntitas=, pen-nibs =(al) punto=, (on) the spot =puntos=, points, dots, spots (in prints) =pupitre=, desk =puros, tabacos, cigarros=, cigars


=que=, that, who, which =¿que?= what? =quebrantamiento=, breakdown =quebranto=, mishap, misfortune, loss =quedar(se)=, to remain =quehaceres=, business, occupations =queja=, complaint =quejarse=, to complain =querer=, to want, to wish to have =querer decir=, to mean =querido=, beloved, dear =queso=, cheese =quiebra=, bankruptcy =quien=, who, whom =quienquiera (que)=, whoever =quincalla=, smallware =quinta=, villa =quitar=, to take away


=radiograma=, wireless =ramo=, branch, line (of business) =rastrillos=, harrows =rayas=, stripes =rayos=, spokes, rays =razón=, reason =a razón de=, at the rate of =tener razón=, to be right =reanudar=, to resume =rebaja, reducción=, abatement, reduction, rebate =reborde=, rim, flange =rechazar=, to reject, to discard =recibir=, to receive =recibo=, receipt, reception =reclamación, reclamo=, claim =reclamar=, to claim =reclamo=, advertisement =recobrar=, to recover =recoger=, to gather, to collect, to take up =recomendar=, to recommend =reconocer, admitir=, to acknowledge =reconvenir=, to scold =recto=, straightforward, straight =recursos=, means, resources =redactar=, to draw up (deeds) =redondo=, round =reducción, rebaja=, reduction, abatement, rebate =reducir=, to reduce =referir=, to refer =reflejo=, reflection =reforma arancelaria=, tariff reform =refrán=, proverb =refrendar=, to countersign =refresco=, refreshment =refundir=, to refund =regadío=, irrigation =regalar=, to present =régimen=, rule, regime =regir=, to rule =regla=, rule, ruler =en regla=, in order =reglamentos=, regulations, bye-laws =regresar=, to come back =rehusar, negarse á=, to refuse =reina=, queen =reinar=, to reign, to rule, to prevail =reino=, kingdom =reir=, to laugh =reírse=, to laugh at, to mock =rejas=, ploughs =relación=, report =relampaguear=, to lighten =reloj=, watch, clock =remesa=, remittance, also shipment =remitir=, to remit, to send =remolacha=, beetroot =remolcar, traer a remolque=, to tow, to take in tow =remover=, to remove, to stir, to poke (the fire) =renglón=, line =reo=, culprit =reparar=, to notice =repasar=, to go over, to look over =repentino=, sudden =repetir=, to repeat =reprensible=, objectionable =representación exclusiva=, sole agency =representante=, representative, agent =representar=, to represent, to act for =requerir=, to require =repulgado, dobladillado=, hemmed =reservar=, to reserve =residir=, to reside =resortes=, springs =con respecto á, respecto de=, with respect to =respetar=, to respect =respeto=, respect =respire=, breath, breathing-time =responder=, to answer =responsible=, responsible (liable for) =resto, restante=, remainder =restos=, remnants =resultado=, result =resumir=, to recapitulate, to state briefly =retardar=, to delay, to be delayed =(los) reunidos=, those present =reunión=, meeting =al revés=, on the wrong side =revista=, review =revocar, contramandar=, to revoke, to countermand =rey=, king =rezumar=, to leak =ricamente=, richly =rico=, rich =riesgo=, risk =río=, river =riqueza=, wealth =rizados, crespolinas=, crimps =rizo (del ala)=, curl (of the brim of a hat) =robar=, to rob, to steal =roble, encina=, oak =rodajas de goma=, rubber heels (revolving) =rogar=, to ask, to beg, to require =rollo=, roll =romperse= (p. p., =roto=), to break =rosa=, rose, pink =rotura=, breakage =ruin=, base, sordid =rumbo=, course (of a ship) =rumor, especie=, rumour


=sábado=, Saturday =sábana=, sheet (bed) =(á) saber, es decir, viz=. =saber=, to know (through the mind), to know by heart =sabio=, wise =sacar=, to draw out, to get or pull out, to derive, to get back (one's money) =saldo=, settlement, clearing line =salir=, to come out, to go out (up) =salir en=, to come up to (amount) =salubre=, healthy =salvamento=, salvage ¡=salve=! hail! =santo=, holy, saint =sardinas=, sardines =sargento=, sergeant =sastre=, tailor =satines brochados=, brocaded satins =satisfecho=, satisfied =sea que=, whether =sebo (heces de)=, tallow (greaves) =secretario=, secretary =sed=, thirst =seda=, silk =según=, according to =seguir=, to continue, to follow =seguro=, sure, insurance =sellar=, to seal =sello=, seal, postage-stamp =semana=, week =semejante=, similar =semestre=, half-year =Senado=, Senate =señal=, sign, mark =sencillo=, plain, simple =señor=, gentleman =señora=, lady =sentir=, to feel, to be sorry =ser=, to be =(la) serie=, series =ser menester=, to be necessary =servicio=, service =servir=, to serve =Setiembre=, September =si=, if =sí=, oneself =sí=, yes =silla=, chair =siempre= always =sierra mecánica=, sawing machine =(un) si es no es=, just a little bit, ever so little =siguiente=, following =simpático=, pleasant, winsome, taking =simple=, single, simple, plain =sin, sin que=, without =sinceridad=, sincerity =sincere=, sincere =síndico=, trustee =sin embargo=, notwithstanding however =sin mirar a gastos=, regardless of expense =sin novedad=, safely, all well, safe and sound =(un) sinnúmero=, a large number, innumerable =sin precedente=, unprecedented =(los) síntomas=, symptoms =sitio=, spot, place =sobre=, on, upon =sobre= (n.), envelope =sobrecargarse=, to overload oneself =sobre cubierta=, on deck =sobrestadía=, demurrage =sobrios=, quiet (colours) =socarrón=, sly, cunning =sociedad=, society =sociedad anónima= or =por acciones=, limited company =socio=, partner =soda, sosa=, soda =sofá=, sofa, couch =soga=, rope =sol=, sun =solamente, sólo=, only (adv.) =soldado=, soldier =soler=, to be wont, to be accustomed to =solicitar=, to solicit =solidez=, solidity =solo=, only (adj.) =sombrero=, hat =sombrero de copa=, silk hat =someter=, to submit =sonrisa=, smile =soplar=, to blow =soportar=, to put up with =soportes=, bearings =sorprendente=, surprising =sorpresa=, surprise =sosa, soda=, soda =sospechar=, to suspect =su=, his, her, its, their, your =suave=, soft, mellow, gentle =(en) subasta=, (by) auction =subir=, to go, to come, up =subsanar=, to correct =suceder=, to happen, to succeed =sucursal=, branch house =sueldo=, salary, wages =suelo=, ground (soil) =sueño=, sleep =suerte=, fortune, luck =sufrimiento=, suffering =sufrir=, to suffer =sujetapapeles=, paper fasteners =suma=, sum, addition =sumar=, to add =suma redonda=, lump sum =superficie=, surface =suponer=, to suppose =suprimir=, to suppress =sur, sud=, south =surtido=, assortment, selection =suspender los pagos=, to stop payments =(en) suspense=, (in) abeyance


=tabacos, cigarros, puros=, cigars =tablilla=, board =tablón=, plank =tacharse=, to blame or censure oneself =tacho, paila, pan= (sugar manuf.) =tacones=, heels =tacos=, cues (billiard) =tacto=, feel, touch, tact =tal=, such =tal cual=, as it is =talvez=, perhaps =taller=, workshop =también=, also, too, as well =tambor=, drum (machinery, etc.) =tampoco=, neither, either (after neg.) =tan …. como=, so, as …. as =tapete=, carpet, rug =tarde=, afternoon, evening, late =tardo=, slow =tarea=, task =tarjeta=, card =tasajo=, jerked beef =té=, tea =tejedor=, weaver =tejer=, to weave =tejido elástico=, webbing =tejidos=, textiles, cloths =tela=, cloth =telar=, loom =telas para trajes (de señora)=, dress goods =telas para pantalones=, trouserings =telefonear=, to telephone =tema= (m.), the exercise =tema= (f.), the fear =temporada, estación=, season =temporal=, tormenta, storm =temporalmente=, temporarily =temprano=, early =tenazas=, tongs =tendero=, shopkeeper =tenedores=, forks, holders =tener=, to have, to hold =tener cuenta=, to pay (to be advantageous) =tener en cuenta=, to take into consideration, to bear in mind =tercio=, third =terciopelo=, velvet =terliz=, ticking =terreno=, land, estate =tesoro=, treasure =textil=, textile =(la) tez=, complexion =tienda=, shop =tierno=, tender =tijeras=, scissors =timbre=, stamp =tinta=, ink =tintero=, inkstand =tío,-a=, uncle, aunt =tiro, largura=, length =títulos=, bonds =tocino=, bacon =todavía=, yet, still =todo,-a,-os,-as=, all, every =tomar=, to take =tomar a mal=, to take amiss =tomar la delantera=, to take the start on =tomar vuelo=, to develop, to increase =tonelada=, ton =tonto=, simpleton, foolish =torcer=, to twist =tormenta=, temporal, storm =tornillos=, screws =torno=, lathe =trabajador=, hard-working =trabajar=, to work =trabajar, ir, á porfía=, to vie with =trabajo=, work =traer=, to bring, to carry =traer á remolque (remolcar)=, to tow, to take in tow =trámites (de la ley)=, routine of the law, legal means =tranquilo=, quiet, calm =transportar=, to transport, to convey =tra(n)sporte pagado (franco de porte)=, carriage paid =tra(n)sporte seguido, porte pagadero al destino=, carriage forward =trapiche=, sugar mill =trasmitir=, to convey =traspapelado=, mislaid (of a paper) =traspaso=, goodwill (of a business) =Tratado de arbitraje=, Arbitration Treaty =tratar=, to conduct (business), to treat, to try, to endeavour =travesía=, journey by sea (crossing) =tren=, train =trencilla=, braid =tribunal=, court =trigo=, wheat =trilladores=, threshing (machines) =trinquete=, foremast =tripas de buey=, ox-casings =tripulación=, crew =triste=, sad =trocar=, to exchange =tronar=, to thunder =tropezar=, to stumble =tubo=, pipe =tuercas=, nuts (mach.) =turba=, crowd (motley)


=ufano=, proud =últimamente=, lately =únicamente=, solely, only =útil=, useful =utilidad=, utility, usefulness, service, profit =uvas=, grapes


=vacío=, empty ¡=vale=! farewell! =valer=, to be worth =valer la pena=, to be worth while =valer más=, to be preferable =valiente=, brave =valor=, value, worth, courage =valores=, securities =válvula=, valve =vapor=, steamer =vara=, Spanish yard =varar=, to ground (ships) =variedad=, variety =varios=, several =vecino=, neighbour, inhabitant, ratepayer =veintena=, score =vejez=, old age =vela=, candle, sail =velero=, sailing vessel =vencer=, to win, to fall due =vender=, to sell =venir=, to come =venir á menos=, to come down in the world, to decline =venta=, sale =ventaja=, advantage =ventana=, window =ver=, to see =verano=, summer =verdad=, truth =verde=, green =vergüenza=, shame =verificarse=, to take place =vez, veces=, time, times =en vez de=, instead of =vía=, way, route, via =viajador=, traveller, navigator =viajante=, traveller (commercial) =viajar=, to travel =viaje de ida=, outward journey (trip) =viaje de vuelta=, homeward journey (trip) =viajero=, traveller, tourist, etc. =vida=, life, living =vidriado=, glass ware =viejo=, old =viento=, wind =Viernes=, Friday =viga=, beam =vigilar=, to watch over =villa, población=, town =viñas=, vineyards =vinícola=, wine (adj.) =vino=, wine =violeta=, violet =virtualmente=, practically =virtud=, virtue =visitar=, to visit, to call upon, to wait upon =vista=, sight, view =á la vista=, at sight =visto que=, seeing that =viudo=, widower =vivamente=, vividly, earnestly =vivir=, to live, to reside =vivo=, alive, lively, vivid, bright (colour) =vocablo, palabra=, word =vocabulario=, vocabulary =volante=, fly-wheel =volar=, to fly =volcar=, to capsize =voluntad=, will, goodwill =volver=, to turn, to go, to come back =volverse=, to become =á la vuelta=, carried forward =de la vuelta=, brought forward


=ya=, already, now, yet, etc. =yacer=, to lie =yerno, hijo político=, son-in-law =y pico (20 y pico, etc.)=, odd (20 odd, etc.) =yute, jute=, jute


=zanjar=, to compromise =zapatos=, shoes =zarazas=, cotton prints =zinc=, zinc =zorra=, fox

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