At the restaurant
aceituna - olive
agua - water
aguafresca - fruit punch
agua purificada - purified water
aguacate -avocado
ajo -garlic
almuerzo - lunch
antojitos - appetizers
apio - celery
arroz - rice
asada - grilled
atùn - tuna
azucar - sugar
baño - bathroom
damas -ladies
bebidas - drinks
biria - goat stew
bistek - steak
burrito - stuffed flour tortilla
cafè - coffee
caldo - soup o stew
caliente -hot
camarones - shrimp
capirotada -fruit cake
carne - meat
carnitas - chunks of pork
cebolla - onion
cena -dinner
cerveza - beer
chicharos - peas
chicharon - fried pork rind
chilaquiles - corn tortillas baked with eggs and cheese
chilè - chile - spicy pepper
relleno - cheese filled
chocolate - hot cocoa
chorizo -spicy sausage
cilantro - cilantro
coctel - cocktail
comer - eat
comida - food, meal
cucharra - spoon
cuchillo - knife
desayuno - breakfast
elote – corn
enchiladas - stuffed tortillas
ensalada - salad
filete - fillet
flan - custard
flautas - fried stuffed tortillas
frijoles - beans
frio -cold
guacamole -avocadao dip
hamburgesa - hamburger
hecho a mano - hand made
hielo - ice
huachinango - red snapper
huevos - eggs
huevos revueltos - scrambled
huevos rancheros - fried on tortilla with salsa
huevos estrellados - fried
jugo - juice
langosta - lobster
leche -milk
lechuga - lettuce
legumbre - vegetable
lentejas -lentils
limon - lemon
machaca - shredded beef
mantequilla - butter
manzana - apple
mariscos - sea food
menù- menu
mesa - table
mesero - waiter
mesera - waitress
nachos - chips with cheese
naranja - orange
nieve - ice cream
nopales - cactus leaf
omelettes - omelettes
queso - cheese
queso - ham
salchichas - sausage
pan - bread
pan frances - french toast
pan tostada - toast
papas - potatoes
papas fritas - french fries
pastel - cake
pepino - cucumber
perejil - parsley
pescado -fish
pica - hot, spicy
pimienta - pepper
plato - plate
pollo - chicken
pollo frito - fried chicken
pollo con mole - in spicy chocolate sauce
postres - desserts
quesadillas - tortilla with melted cheese
queso - cheese
queso fundido - cheese fondue
rabano - radish
refrescos -sodas
sal -salt
salsa- sauce
picante - spicy, hot
sirvilleta - napkin
silla - chair
sinchronizadas - quesadilla with ham
sopa - soup
sopes - fried dough with toppings
suave - mild
tacos - filled corn tortillas
tamales - corn dough with fillings
taza - cup
tenedor - fork
tiburòn - shark
tomar - drink
tomate - tomato
toronja - grapefruit
torta - submarine (sandwich)
tortilla - flat bread
maiz - corn
harina - flour
tostadas - fried corn tortilla with toppings
vaso - glass
vino - wine
zanahoria – carrot