Based on my translation of: “Easy Spanish Reader”, by Raymond Grismer, Longmans, Green and Co., 1946
Lesson 1
Ricardo is a Mexican-American boy. He lives in Santa Barbara, California. He lives in a brown house.
Ricardo has a sister and two brothers. Maria is his sister. Miguel and Pablo are his brothers. Ricardo's father's name is Juan and his mother's name is Teresa.
Ricardo studies* in school. He studies* history*, geography*, mathematics, science*, English and art*. Ricardo thinks that geography* is interesting*. In school, Ricardo learns the capitals* of the Latin American countries.
*COGNADOS - palabras que están iguales o parecidas en inglés y español.
HIS su, de el father's del padre
FAMILY familia name nombre
is es and y
a un, una his su (de el)
boy muchacho mother's de la madre
lives vive study estudiar
in en studies estudia
brown café school escuela
house casa thinks piensa
has tiene that que
sister hermana interesting interesante
two dos of de
brothers hermanos learns aprende
are son countries paises
Ricardo's family consists of five persons: Juan, the father; Teresa, the mother; Maria, the daughter; and Pablo, Miguel and Ricardo, the sons. Maria is eighteen years old, Pablo is twenty-five, Miguel is twenty and Ricardo is sixteen.
They have some cousins who live with their parents on a big ranch. Occasionally, Maria and her brothers visit their aunt and uncle at the ranch. They like to ride the horses and swim in the river. They especially like to visit the ranch when there is a rodeo.
consists of consista de their su (de ellos)
five cinco Occasionally ocasionalmente
persons personas aunt tía
daughter hija uncle tío
eighteen dieciocho like gustarse
twenty-five veinticinco ride montar
twenty veinte horses caballos
sixteen dieciseis swim nadar
cousins primos river rio
who quien /-es especially especialmente
rodeo rodeo
Lesson 3
Ricardo's house is big. The roof of the house is red. In front of the house there is a pretty garden. The garden is small. Behind the house there is a garage.
The house has two floors. On the lower floor there is a living room, a dining (daining) room, a kitchen and a patio. On the upper floor there are bedrooms and a bathroom.
Every morning Ricardo goes to school. He studies English, Spanish, history, geography and math. He learns the names of the capitals of the countries of Latin America. He knows that business between the U.S. and the other countries of Latin America is very important.
big grande On en
small chica / o lower bajo
roof techo living room sala
red rojo dining room comedor
In front En frente (daining rum)
of de kitchen cocina
there is hay upper de arriba
pretty bonita bedrooms recámaras
garden jardin bathroom cuarto de baño
Behind Detras de business negocio
floors pisos between entre
other otro / a
Lesson 4
Ricardo goes to school. His first class of the day is history class. This morning Ricardo goes to the blackboard and writes the names of the countries of Central America: Panama, Costa Rica, Nicaragua, Honduras, El Salvador and Guatemala.
He knows that there are six countries in Central America.
The class also studies the Antilles. Cuba is the largest island in the Antilles.
After his last class, Ricardo goes home. As he arrives home, his mother is working in the garden. When his mother sees Ricardo, she enters the house and prepares lunch in the kitchen.
this esta last último
blackboard pizarón as he arrives al llegar
writes escribe is working está trabajando
also también when cuando
largest la más grande sees ve
island isla enters entra
after despues de prepares prepara
lunch lonche
Ricardo's father has many friends. They work in the city and on the farms, too. Some speak Spanish. Some speak English, too. Ricardo studies both English and Spanish in school.
One of Ricardo's brothers, Pablo, is a businesssman. He imports and exports many things. Many times he visits other countries, such as Colombia, Costa Rica and Mexico.
At night the family meets in the living room. Ricardo and Maria study. Their father reads the afternoon newspaper.
many muchos / as exports exporta
friends amigos things cosas
They Ellos times veces
work trabajan visits visita
city ciudad such as tales como
farms Granjas at en, por
too también night noche
speak hablar, hablan meets encontra
Some Algunos Their Su (de ellos)
others otros reads lee
businessman-comerciante afternoon tarde
imports importa newspaper periódico
Lesson 6
Maria gets up and turns on the television. They watch and soon they hear a voice that announces, in Spanish, the news of the day.
"What station is it?" Ricardo asks his sister.
"It's a Mexican station," she replies.
"Pablo writes that he is going to speak on one of the Mexican networks," Maria says.
Soon they hear a man speaking in English.
"It's Pablo!" everyone exclaims.
gets up se levanta station estación
turns on prende asks pregunta
watch mirar, miran replies responde
soon pronto to speak hablar
hear oir, oyen networks redes
voice voz conditions condiciones
announces anuncia world mundo
news noticias exclaims exclama
day día
Lesson 7
Ricardo eats breakfast in the dining room with the family. Generally, he drinks a glass of milk and eats eggs and toast. At noon he eats lunch in the restaurant at school.
Sometimes the family eats a meal in a cafe. Their favorite restaurant is in the center of town. It is called "The Blue House." The food is always very good. The waiters are very attentive. After eating in this restaurant, the family returns to the house.
Often they go to the movies. Sometimes they go to the theater, where they see a new comedy.
Ricardo's brother Pablo is in Mexico City. He writes to Ricardo and to Maria that he also goes to the movies and the theater a lot in Mexico.
eats come is called está llamada
breakfast desayuno food comida
Generally Generalmente always siempre
Drinks toma, bebe good bueno / a
glass vaso waiters meseros
milk leche attentive atento
eggs huevos this este
toast pan tostado returns regresa
At noon Al mediodía Often muchas veces
Sometimes A veces theater teatro
meal comida where donde
favorite favorita new nuevo / a
center centro comedy comedia
town pueblo a lot mucho
Lesson 8
One night a friend calls Ricardo's father on the telephone. The friend has just arrived in the city by train. He is at the train station. He wants to know the name of a good hotel.
Ricardo's parents go immediately to the train station in their car. their friend is in the waiting room.
Ricardo's parents take their friend to the Pan American Hotel. The friend writes his name in the register: Peter Rogers, of Philadelphia.
calls llama immediately inmediatamente
has just acaba de waiting esperando
arrived llegado take llevar, tomar
by train por tren writes escribe
wants quiere register registro
Lesson 9
A bellboy leads Mr. Rogers to his room while Ricardo's parents wait in the vestibule. The room is big and faces a park. It is on the seventh floor. There is elevator service all night.
In the rooms there are two beds, two chairs, a radio, a night stand, a chest of drawers and a dressing table.
The bellboy turns on the lights and puts the suitcases at the foot of one of the beds. Mr. Rogers gives him a tip.
Before he goes down to the vestibule, Mr. Rogers goes into the bathroom to wash his hands and face. There are large and small towels in the bathroom, soap, and ice water to drink.
bellboy el botones at the foot al pie
leads conduce tip propina
while mientras Before Antes de
vestibule el cuarto en frente
faces da a down bajar
service servicio wash lavar
all night toda la noche towels toallas
night stand - mesa al lado de la cama
turns on prende, enciende soap jabón
puts pone ice water agua helado
Lesson 10
On Saturday mornings, Maria and her mother, Teresa, go shopping. When it is cold, the women wear overcoats. When it is hot they do not wear overcoats. It is very hot in the summer, but it is never very cold in Santa Barbara.
In the northern states it is very cold and there is a lot of snow in the winter.
One Saturday, it is raining when the women leave, and therefore Maria and her mother take umbrellas and raincoats.
Saturday sábado summer verano
go ir, vas, van never nunca
shopping comprando, northern del norte
de compras states estados
When Cuando winter invierno
it is cold hace frio raining lluviendo
wear llevar (ropa) umbrellas paraguas
overcoats abrigos raincoats- impermeables
do not no (negación del verbo)